This is cross-posted from Blue Jersey. I wanted to highlight and amplify an event being held tomorrow in Camden, NJ by Standing in Solidarity (S.I.S.) — a group of Camden women working and organizing for women’s issues. They’ve been organizing for months behind the scenes, but tomorrow is their first public event. ? Calling all … Continue reading Come Join Us and Support the Camden Women’s Unity Rally, Thursday 4pm…
Local Knowledge
Where are South Jersey Dems on Gun Control?
I think one of the biggest challenges for progressive voices in the age of Trump is how to keep pressure and a unified front against Trump nationally, but also strive to be better locally. Over at Blue Jersey, I’ve been trying to shine a light on some of the internal inconsistencies and strategy decisions the … Continue reading Where are South Jersey Dems on Gun Control?…
Come out to the Ferry Ave Library for a Forum on Modern Redlining in Camden
This is cross-posted from Blue Jersey where I also promoted the event. I’ll be on the panel, so make sure to say hi if you can stop by! On Monday, Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting is highlighting inequities in the mortgage market in Camden County. Their year-long investigations shows that: Fifty years after the federal Fair Housing … Continue reading Come out to the Ferry Ave Library for a Forum on Modern Redlining in Camden…
On State Technology by Jared Hunter
I found this interesting and relevant article on about Governor Murphy’s advisory committee on Government Technology and Innovations Transition. As a summation, the article outlines some major recommendations the committee has presented to Murphy and his team about how best the state government can make some major (and much needed) upgrades to its technology infrastructure. … Continue reading On State Technology by Jared Hunter…
What are the Paths for Progressives to Win in Camden?
I’ve been having this conversation a lot. People ask me, given the structural challenges in both Camden City and Camden County, what it would take to win. What type of candidate? What type of financial support? What types of political context? Interestingly, it’s a conversation the entire country is having, as highlighted by this Washington … Continue reading What are the Paths for Progressives to Win in Camden?…
Get Them, Children: Leave No One Standing by Jared Hunter
I’m working on a power list for South Jersey – I’m reading through a lot of reviews and previously written power lists – and hopefully will have that posted on the blog within the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for that! Since I’ve been doing some research on this topic of power, … Continue reading Get Them, Children: Leave No One Standing by Jared Hunter…