Last week’s Camden School Board meeting featured a noticeable change in both tenor and strategy of activists that have opposed the Camden School District’s move toward “No Excuses” charter management organizations such as KIPP, Uncommon and Mastery. For more than 18 months, residents have been taking the school district at face value. When the district said it was … Continue reading Legal Challenges to the Camden School District Part I…
Local Knowledge
Baltimore, Listening and Writing Again
Over the past few weeks I’ve been traveling, teaching, and largely listening. With everything going on in Baltimore right now, I’ve been trying to listen first, and particularly to let the airwaves be filled with scholars who have a deep connection to the issue at hand. Foremost among them is Te-Nehisi Coates, whose words have … Continue reading Baltimore, Listening and Writing Again…
Favoring One Parent Over Another
After last week’s protest at McGraw I made a point to attend the East Camden Middle School meeting the following morning. It was much less eventful. The meeting was at 9am, only a handful of parents showed up, and the tone was not one of defiance so much as one of seeking information. But, Camden … Continue reading Favoring One Parent Over Another…
Camden’s Public School Parents Deserve Vote and Voice in School Closures
How many signatures would it take to stop a school closure? How many parents coming to meetings would it take to stop a school closure? How many parental votes would it take to stop a school closure? There are no answers to these questions because the Camden School District has steadfastly refused to be accountable in any … Continue reading Camden’s Public School Parents Deserve Vote and Voice in School Closures…
A Camden Supper Club
In the midst of so many contentious policy discussions, many of which I’m simply exhausted to be covering, I’ve been relaxing by going with friends to check out Camden restaurants. Oddly, last week Kevin Riordan came out to my “Camden Supper Club” and wrote us up in the paper. Trust me, I’m as surprised as anyone … Continue reading A Camden Supper Club…
March Madness and… Parking?
So I’m going to admit, after yesterday’s school news, I needed something to lighten up my day. And this, showing up in my inbox from a local neighborhood activist, did the trick. It’s a March Madness bracket of cities with the most ridiculous amount of parking in their downtown cores. In the Elite Eight is … Continue reading March Madness and… Parking?…