Thoughts on the “Broken City” of San Bernardino, CA through the Lens of Camden, NJ

My good friend and colleague, Steve Silvius, sent me this article, titled San Bernardino: Broken City, as part of our ongoing conversation on the similarities and differences between Camden and his hometown. The article reminded him of the infamous Rolling Stone feature that I once referred to as “poverty porn.” And the imagines of people struggling … Continue reading Thoughts on the “Broken City” of San Bernardino, CA through the Lens of Camden, NJ

A Natural Experiment: Pennsauken Considers County Police Force

I’ve been watching the reporting (particularly the Inky’s Michael Boren, who is doing a fantastic job) around the Pennsauken debate over becoming a part of the county-run police force. I’m finding the process fascinating, especially since there is such a direct comparison with what happened in Camden City and because the city is the only … Continue reading A Natural Experiment: Pennsauken Considers County Police Force

Community Event: An Economy of Inclusion, May 28, 6 pm

I’m quite excited to be announcing Camden Churches Organized for People’s event, Creating an Economy of Inclusion. I’ve been helping out behind the scenes on this one, securing funding and speakers, because I just love the vision CCOP came up with. The goal is to bring in speakers who are familiar with development strategies, then … Continue reading Community Event: An Economy of Inclusion, May 28, 6 pm

Demolitions and the Value of Local Leadership

With Kevin Shelly no longer at the Courier-Post, his Camden demolition story has not been getting as much play. It’s a shame, because the demolitions are a key issues for residents of the city who already live here — a welcome departure from political investment that seems obsessed with providing services (jobs, houses, entertainment) that will attract … Continue reading Demolitions and the Value of Local Leadership