Each week, Rasheda Weaver will be writing about her life as a student and resident of the city. This week’s post looks at development strategies and implications for vulnerable residents and businesses: Share it!
Local Knowledge
Camden Social Club and Reservations about Alex Law
***Update: I reached out to Alex for his thoughts, and he sent them along. Those are included below.*** My interest was piqued last week when a new Facebook page popped up advertising the “Camden Social Club,” drawing attention both from Camden activists and young professionals (something that isn’t easy to do). So I attended. As it turns out the Camden … Continue reading Camden Social Club and Reservations about Alex Law…
Talking Black Community Development by Rasheda Weaver
Each week, Rasheda Weaver will be writing about her life as a student and resident of the city. This week’s post looks at development strategies: Share it!
Reflecting on Local Knowledge and Black History Month by Rasheda Weaver
Each week, Rasheda Weaver will be writing about her life as a student and resident of the city. This week’s post looks at Black History Month and ways to celebrate it locally: Share it!
A Reflection on Social Change by Rasheda Weaver
Each week, Rasheda Weaver will be writing about her life as a student and resident of the city. This week’s post gets at the roots of her commitment to social change and civic engagement: Share it!
Heartbreaking Weeks in Camden
Normally, I try to save fun, uplifting posts for holidays like MLK Day. But I don’t feel right moving on without at least touching on the terrible tragedy here in Camden last week, with a 13-year old murdered. Frankly, I’m not going to add a lot to what’s being said, other than to share some of … Continue reading Heartbreaking Weeks in Camden…