Yesterday I ran into Anthony Perno, the CEO of Cooper’s Ferry, while walking through Cooper Grant. We were both playing Pokemon. It wasn’t the first such interaction I’ve had over the last few days. Last night, when I walked the dog before bed, there were a group of students huddled up in Johnson Park with their … Continue reading Pokemon Go, Cherry Hill Mall, and #ThisHasToStop…
Local Knowledge
The Compassion of Camden
I’ve been struggling to write over the last week. There are so many important things being said, so many important voices and issues. At the same times, there is so much darkness, so much frustration. I simply didn’t know amidst all the noise and takes and social media, where this blog fit in. But in … Continue reading The Compassion of Camden…
The Conversation People Aren’t Having About Camden Police
Here we are. Twenty-three homicides into 2016, with people struggling with what it means to live in a community with so much pain and struggle. With trying to find something concrete to do as violence undercuts a community in so many different ways. Meanwhile on CNN, a comedian is talking about Camden and community policing. . … Continue reading The Conversation People Aren’t Having About Camden Police…
A Witness to Healing by Mike Morgan
I’m particularly pleased to share this guest post by Mike Morgan. Mike moved to Camden first as a DeSales Service Works volunteer. He’s worked with HopeWorks, Joseph’s House, Cooper’s Ferry and others before becoming the Director of Operations at DeSales Service Works. I’ve heard that it takes about six years before you begin to … Continue reading A Witness to Healing by Mike Morgan…
The Challenges of Organizing in Camden (on Education)
Earlier this week, I wrote on the challenges of organizing in Camden, and how they were manifesting themselves in the community effort to make corporations coming to the city accountable to community groups. It was a depressing piece — victory by local community groups was hard-fought and long in coming, and when it did come, … Continue reading The Challenges of Organizing in Camden (on Education)…
The Challenges of Organizing in Camden (on CBAs)
I saw a heartbreaking statistic over the weekend: in the latest Camden primaries, turnout was just 3.4% (according to a report by Camden Churches Organized for People). This speaks to a conversation I’ve been having with more and more residents of the city (and activists outside it as well) about the challenges of organizing here. … Continue reading The Challenges of Organizing in Camden (on CBAs)…