Everywhere you look, immigration is in the news. It’s at the center of the Trump rise. It’s at the center of the government shutdown. And it’s certainly on the mind of local immigrant activists. Last Thursday, immigration advocates and progressives protested the slow-moving Camden County Freeholders, who had buried requests to publicly embrace both a Fair … Continue reading Sanctuary Cities and the Straight Jacket of being Camden’s Mayor…
Local Knowledge
Progressivism in CD2 by Jared Hunter

Yesterday I got the chance to go to a congressional forum hosted by the South Jersey Progressive Women for Change and Action United – both two very impressive and awesome progressive groups in New Jersey. I think that I have been seeing a strong swell from the progressive movement, specifically throughout South Jersey lately and … Continue reading Progressivism in CD2 by Jared Hunter…
#TiredAsHell, Camden, and Happy Holidays
A few days ago I ran across one of my favorite Camden activists (hey Ronsha!) commenting on something written by another of my favorite Camden activists (hi Keith!) and it was tagged #TiredAsHell. I laughed when I saw it. I said yes, that. I shook my head. There’s so much work to do, and I … Continue reading #TiredAsHell, Camden, and Happy Holidays…
Some Urban Thoughts on Rural Progressivism

One of the lessons of living, working and studying in Camden, NJ is how interrelated urban and regional issues are. There’s simply no way to understand issues in Camden — such as the racial and environmental justice issues surrounding the methadone clinic, or affordable housing, or the ways concentrated poverty affects school funding — without … Continue reading Some Urban Thoughts on Rural Progressivism…
Marathon Methadone Meeting Ends with Approval

I didn’t have a chance to make it to the Planning Board Meeting last night — which lasted hours and featured a final vote approving variance changes for the methadone clinic. The variances were approved on the condition of the creation of a community advisory board (along with minor changes to security and the bus … Continue reading Marathon Methadone Meeting Ends with Approval…
Thanksgiving: Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, and Thoughts on Segregation

I want to take a moment to say “thank you” to so many of the people who have been so kind to me since my move to Camden (four and a half years ago). It’s been an incredibly important time for me — the Rutgers job has been the longest and most important of my … Continue reading Thanksgiving: Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, and Thoughts on Segregation…