
As we interview candidates and receive policy questionnaires, we’ll be linking to those here. 

See the full video (broken down by topic) of our policy chat with Namibia El.

See the full video (broken down by topic) of our policy chat with Ray Lamboy.

See the full video (broken down by topic) of our policy chat with Theo Spencer. 

More to come!


We’re in the stretch run of the primaries for Camden’s City Council seats and for Mayor. Yesterday, the Local Knowledge Blog team (myself and Jared) reached out to each of the candidates in the Democratic primary with both a survey asking candidates for specific policy positions (included at the end of this post) and an invitation to record a video based upon the survey for our readership. 

We have several goals in doing so: 

  1. We want to be the go-to place for policy details on Camden candidates, and in doing so, to help build needed infrastructure where residents can learn about their candidates stances. 
  2. We want to ensure that candidates have platforms that amplify their voices, particularly on policy debates. 
  3. We believe that over time, expectations that candidates answer policy questions will both help improve the quality of candidates in general, and help specific candidates to build the skills necessary to run effective campaigns — these questionnaires are common in other cities (the one we use is based upon a similar questionnaire used in the last Philadelphia city elections). 
  4. Finally, we believe asking candidates detailed policy questions on specific issues helps to widen the scope of policies considered in the city, and we want to contribute to that agenda-setting.

Now, this is our first time doing this. A few quick caveats:

First, we are not doing this on behalf of Rutgers, and the views above in no way represent Rutgers-Camden University. I am a faculty member here, this blog is on my Rutgers site, but my work here as originating in my office rather than the wider university. 

Also, we got the questionnaires out very late in the election process and there are not necessarily norms or campaign infrastructure ready to respond. We suspect some candidates will choose to answer select questions or not to answer at all — which is ok by us. This isn’t a “gotcha” process. If candidates are unable to answer the full questionnaire prior to Tuesday, we are happy to post select answers to questions they choose to answer. We’ll make sure to circle back to primary winners to try to get full responses for the general election.

This is an attempt to build into Camden elections the same type of processes that are common in other cities, and in doing so, help candidates to both consider a wide array of policy issues and get out the word on their positions. Hopefully, campaigns will see that as an opportunity. 

So, starting tomorrow, we’ll be interviewing candidates and publishing video and questionnaires. I’ve included the survey below, and would love your process as we refine this process for the general election and beyond. 

_________________Camden Election Questionnaire__________________________

Candidate Name: _____________________________________


Office Sought: ________________________________________


Background Questions

1) What in your professional background qualifies you for mayor/council?

2) What in your personal background qualifies you for mayor/council?

3) Why are you running?

4) What three accomplishments would be your first priority as mayor/council?

5) What is an example of a specific mayoral/city council action that you have agreed/disagreed with?


Economic Development Questions

1) Would you raise the City minimum wage to $15 an hour?

2) Would you support a city wage tax and if yes, what are the steps necessary to enact one?

3) What is your position on PILOTs and business tax subsidies?

4) What policies would you enact to help support small businesses in Camden?

5) What policies would you enact to encourage local hiring? What partnerships would be required to do so?

6) Would you pass earned sick time requirements for all businesses employing more than 10 people?


Education Questions

1) Would you work with community and labor partners to return Camden to local control?

2) Would you work with community and labor partners to return to an elected Camden school board?

3) Would you would you use the city’s power of the purse to regulate charter and renaissance schools to be more transparent, and eliminate cherry-picking students?

4) Would you work with community and labor partners to implement a community

schools model?

5) What specific initiatives would you fund to support youth in the city?


Criminal Justice

1) Would you work with community partners to return to a city police force?

2) Would you work with community partners to create an independent civilian police review board with subpoena power and the ability to suspend and fire police officers who engage in misconduct?

3) Would you pursue legislation requiring officers to live in Camden city or Camden County?

4) Would you work on a municipal ID program for undocumented residents?

5) Would you declare Camden a sanctuary city and refuse to dedicate city resources to federal ICE investigations?

6) What is your plan to increase opportunities for ex-offenders?

7) Do you support decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana?



1) Would you work to enact a rent stabilization program?

2) Would you create a municipal land bank?

3) How will your administration/ office address blighted homes in Camden?



1) If the city were to lose significant funding from the state, what 3 program would you cut to balance the budget?

2) What is your plan to reduce the city’s chronic budget shortfall?

3) How would you work with the governor to ensure Camden does not lose state funding?

4) Would you enact and dedicate funds to participatory budgeting?


Local Issues

1) What is your position on the relocation of the methadone clinic to Bergen Square? What can the mayor/council do about this issue?

2) What is your position on the demolition/renovation of Camden High? What can the mayor/council do about this issue?

3) How would you increase participation and engagement of Camden residents?

I have read the attached questionnaire responses and certify that the information provided is accurate and the opinions stated accurately reflect my own positions.


Candidate Signature: __________________________________Date: ___________________

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