What’s Next for the Camden Methadone Clinic? By Jared Hunter

I’m sure by now everyone knows about the methadone clinic approval in Bergen Square.  I unfortunately didn’t get a chance to stay the entire time (I left a little over an hour into the meeting) but did have the opportunity to see some of the meeting play out.  Needless to say, there was a lot … Continue reading What’s Next for the Camden Methadone Clinic? By Jared Hunter

No One Wants to Own the Methadone Clinic Decision

Last night, the Camden Zoning Board refused to show up and own their decision to approve a rule interpretation to allow a methadone clinic to move from downtown to Bergen Square. As a result, the adoption of the resolution was delayed until next month’s meeting. This post is about a board that was willing to approve … Continue reading No One Wants to Own the Methadone Clinic Decision

Methadone Clinic will Move to Bergen Square (as planned for a decade)

Last night I watched as close to 100 Camden residents showed up to avoid another unwanted facility dumped in their neighborhood. I watched the Zoning Board publicly support residents, then vote against them. It was heartbreaking. Jim Walsh captured the proceedings with his lede:  The zoning board has narrowly advanced a controversial plan to move … Continue reading Methadone Clinic will Move to Bergen Square (as planned for a decade)