Over the past few weeks I’ve tried to display some balance amidst the celebratory coverage of the Camden County Police Force. I hope it is possible to celebrate the drop in crime while also acknowledging the politics played with both the department and its numbers over the past few years. More importantly, I think it’s … Continue reading It Took a Politician being Wronged to get Police Cameras Right…
Local Knowledge Blog
Camden Chatter: Radio Lofts to be Demolished
“Camden Chatter” is a series of blog posts by Rutgers students on the “chatter” on social media about Camden. This article is authored by Ph.D. Candidate Rasheda Weaver. Here are her thoughts on the past week’s top stories: Please “like” the Local Knowledge Blog on Facebook!Share it!
Guest Post: Submission for Kids at Mastery
I wanted to share Jennifer Berkshire’s interview with Penn Professor Joan Goodman, who talks about the broader network of Mastery schools. These schools have just opened up in Camden: EduShyster: You’re the author of an article called Charter Management Organizations and the Regulated Environment: Is It Worth the Price?that’s the single best overview of *no excuses* … Continue reading Guest Post: Submission for Kids at Mastery…
Camden Chatter: Camden Police Force, A Model for the Nation?
“Camden Chatter” is a series of blog posts by Rutgers students on the “chatter” on social media about Camden. This article is authored by Ph.D. Candidate Rasheda Weaver. Here are her thoughts on the past week’s top stories: Share it!
Guest Post: A Prescription for Education Reform
I’m conscious of the fact that this blog can become a bit of an echo chamber on education. People who agree with my take, or those of the community members who write here, will share, leading to more of the same. I’m often looking for good takes from people who disagree with me in part or … Continue reading Guest Post: A Prescription for Education Reform…
Community Voice: Teachers Missing from Camden Classrooms
This speech was given by Camden parent Carmen Crespo at a press conference last week announcing a lawsuit against the Camden School District: It is an honor to be here today speaking on behalf of the thousands of parents of school age children in this city who, until very recently, haven’t had their voices heard. … Continue reading Community Voice: Teachers Missing from Camden Classrooms…