A “Compassionate Approach” to Prostitution, and its Critic

Last week, there was a lot of attention paid to a “compassionate approach” to prostitution by Camden police. I think there’s a lot to like here, and like to see police treating folks on the street as people first. That said, I know there are some big controversies in the sex-worker advocacy world, so I … Continue reading A “Compassionate Approach” to Prostitution, and its Critic

Kudos to the Courier-Post, not so much to Gov. Christie

There are a lot of critiques of media here and across Camden, so I always like to highlight when someone does a nice job. The Courier-Post and Philadelphia Inquirer, for all their warts, provide consistently more nuanced coverage of Camden than national outlets. Do we yearn for the days when there was a newspaper based … Continue reading Kudos to the Courier-Post, not so much to Gov. Christie

More on the benefits of crowd-sourcing and Patco

One of my on-going interests are the different ways citizens are reaching out to government to get small, day-to-day things done. A part of that is social media, but these types of interactions aren’t knew. So I was happy to see our good friends @Patcowatchers get some press in the Courier-Post. Here are a few … Continue reading More on the benefits of crowd-sourcing and Patco

Community Voice: Camden Artist Tells Different Story About Hip-Hop

This weekend I intersected with Camden hip-hop twitter. I’ve long been hopeful that I could feature short videos of Camden residents telling their stories. It turns out CMD hip-hop artist Rekk has already been collecting “CMD stories.” These are largely the stories of local hip-hop artists, and they’re expressed in a language that pushes the … Continue reading Community Voice: Camden Artist Tells Different Story About Hip-Hop

Camden Chatter: CMD Residents and Activists talk Urban Hope Act

“Camden Chatter” is a series of blog posts by Rutgers students on the “chatter” on social media about Camden. This article is authored by Ph.D. Candidate Rasheda Weaver. Here are her thoughts on the past week’s top stories: Please “like” the Local Knowledge Blog on Facebook! Share it!

Community Voice: More Urban Hope Act Commentary

With another vote on the Urban Hope Act today, I wanted to pull this comment by Keith Benson from last week’s post and highlight it on the main page:  Unfortunately the new Hope Act passed yesterday, 30-1 (among state lawmakers who, collectively, have ZERO children who will be affected by this dreadful bill). But what stuck … Continue reading Community Voice: More Urban Hope Act Commentary