I received a media advisory for the Cooper’s Ferry Annual Meeting, where the mayor gives the State of the City Address, which I wanted to pass along to folks (included below). 

A couple of other short clarifications about this meeting: 

While not listed in the information below, the Cooper’s Ferry Annual Meeting is a fundraiser and tickets are $125. It’s largely an event targeted towards developers looking to invest in the waterfront area, as can be understood through both its location (in the aquarium) and its rhetoric (every year at least one politician makes a joke about opening the blinds to see the “best view of Philadelphia”). 

A question I often get is, why is it appropriate to have the mayor’s State of the City address at a non-profit fundraiser? 

I reached out to Cooper’s Ferry to understand their policy towards Camden residents (they offer tickets for free mainly through their partners in various neighborhoods). But the issue is largely symbolic; Cooper’s Ferry is seen as a quasi-governmental agency, one that picks up the slack for a government that often lacks the capacity to facilitate development in the way other administrations might. With that responsibility comes power, the type of power demonstrated through little things, like a resident of Camden needing to pay $125 to get to see his mayor give a speech on the State of his own City. 

That’s why, this year, I’m glad to see that the Mayor will also be giving the State of the City Address at a City Council meeting. 

Frankly, I think it’d be better to untangle these events entirely, but this is a substitute for those Camden residents unable to afford a party on the Waterfront. 

If you make it to the aquarium, please say hello. I’ll be curious to hear folks’ thoughts.


Cooper’s Ferry Partnership to Host Annual Meeting in Camden
On Wednesday, February 25th

Welcome reception at 3 p.m. – awards and presentations at 4:30 p.m.

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno, Philadelphia 76ers CEO Scott O’Neil Set to Deliver Remarks and Camden Mayor Dana L. Redd to Deliver State of the City Address

More than 400 people will gather to celebrate Camden’s recent achievements and to hear about plans for moving the city forward during Cooper’s Ferry Partnership’s 2015 Annual Meeting.

Camden has experienced tremendous social and economic growth as a result of new education reforms, improved policing strategies and transformative financial incentives. The meeting will highlight how these groundbreaking initiatives are transforming Camden into a competitive 21st century city and improving opportunities for Camden City residents.

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno, Philadelphia 76ers CEO Scott O’Neil and Camden Mayor Dana L. Redd will deliver remarks. Two awards – the Camden Hero Award and the Camden Special Services District Ambassador of the Year Award will be presented to Msgr. Robert T. McDermott and Kenny Beasley, respectively.

Event: Cooper’s Ferry Partnership 2015 Annual Meeting

Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2014

Time: Networking reception begins at 3 p.m.
Awards & presentations at 4:30 p.m.

Location: Adventure Aquarium – Currents Ballroom
1 Aquarium Drive
Camden, NJ 08103
