The latest installment of An Apple for Our Teachers. Each Wednesday I’ll be publishing stories from Camden teachers about their lives and choice to teach here as a way to celebrate their dedication. It was local parent Carmen Crespo who came up with the idea, and first starting soliciting these stories. Here’s what she had to say about the importance of teachers telling their stories: 

Camden is NOT an easy city to teach in. The resources are low, the children face severe adversity, and the pay isn’t great. Yet, we have wonderful people who choose to get up every morning and come to Camden to make a difference in our children. Too often we hear and see the negative about Camden. So I’d like to open up the floor to our awesome teachers.

Our second story is from Kimberly Bartosh: 

I came to teaching and Camden as my second career. Working in corporate America as a computer programmer for 20 years leaves a rather bad taste in your mouth. I felt it was time to give something back to society and Camden seemed a place that would benefit in many ways from my expertise. Coming to Camden was also part of my family’s legacy since both my parents worked in Camden at one time, my mother at Cooper Hospital and my Father at Our Lady of Lourdes. I like to think that I bring a business rationality to my students that will help them see the practical uses for their education. One of my favorite sayings that I share with my students is, “if the only thing you can do is what your best friend does, your boss doesn’t need you.” My experiences with my students have enriched my life considerably as I hope I have enriched theirs. I have never regretted my choice to come here.

If you are a teacher or know a teacher who would like to share their story in future weeks, please email me at Stephen.danley (at) I’ll pull teacher stories up from the comments as well. The hope is to highlight a teacher story every Wednesday for as long as the stories keep coming! Thanks to Carmen and to Denise for making this happen, and even more, for caring about our city and being committed to it.