Just wanted to pass along an invitation by the Courier-Post for feedback on Camden Coverage: 

There’s a lot of news that comes out of the city of Camden, some of it good, some not. How do you feel about the Courier-Post’s coverage of the city? Do we cover it too much? Not enough? Are we covering the right issues there?

I know this has been a big topic of conversation here, with many frustrated by portrayals of Camden. My sense is that it is actually a shame that the local media gets lumped in with national media here. The Courier-Post has done a nice job with local stories, I like their Camden history series, and while I would like more coverage like this article by Kevin Shelly about neighborhood efforts at renewal rather than the patented crime/murder focus, it’s more of a quibble than a complaint. I do think both the Courier-Post and Inky provide an important watchdog function, and would like to see investigative reporting increased. 

I’ll be sending my comments Monday. I can include any comments left here in my email, or you can follow the instructions from the C-P on your own:

Send your thoughts to Metro Editor Phaedra Trethan at ptrethan@cpsj.com for an upcoming column. Please include your full name and where you live, and please write “Camden news” in the subject line.